Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2025

Our next Annual General Meeting will take place in March 2025. Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) will be hosting GFIN members and observers in Calgary (Canada). It will be an opportunity for GFIN to discuss ongoing projects in Tokenization and AI, and for regulators to discuss topics of importance to their jurisdiction.


Annual General Meeting 2023

GFIN Annual General Meeting for 2023 took place in November 2023 in Washington DC. The AGM was co-hosted by our colleagues from the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). 

Two of the main topics of last year’s AGM were AI and BigTech, and the conference-style of the event provided an opportunity for regulators and international organisations to connect formally and informally. 

GFIN has long advocated that global problems require global solutions, and this was a theme which dominated the AGM. Technologies of a cross-border nature, such as AI and BigTech, require international cooperation through networks like GFIN, to tackle them effectively.