GFIN Publications
GFIN Consultation
The GFIN was originally proposed in a consultation paper in August 2018. The GFIN received 99 responses from 26 jurisdictions in response to the consultation paper. The response from industry and other international regulators was overwhelmingly positive in favour of establishing the GFIN to facilitate a new practical method of regulatory collaboration on innovation and creating an environment for cross-border testing.
GFIN One Year On Report
In June 2019, the GFIN published a report setting out the progress made in its first year, the challenges it has faced, and its ambitions and plans for the future. It also describes the work done to engage with stakeholders.
GFIN Cross-border testing - (Cohort 1.0) lessons learned
The Cross Border Testing Lessons Learned Report 1.0 outlines the achievements and challenges of Cohort 1.0. This cohort was a valuable learning and knowledge gaining experience that provided a unique opportunity for regulators and innovators to collaborate.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Survey Analysis
The Central Bank of Bahrain in collaboration with the Israel Securities Authority and the Ontario Securities Commission initiated a study to explore the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies within financial services. The first phase of the project constituted of a survey to better understand and scope out the current adoption rate of AI & ML by both financial regulators and financial institutions and use cases being explored.